3D Printers (Resin Based)

3D Printers (Resin Based)

3D Printers (Resin Based)


Nexa 3D


Nexa 3D is committed to making the world’s fastest polymer 3D printers accessible to professionals and businesses of all sizes. Their groundbreaking technology is shattering traditional 3D printing productivity barriers and opening the aperture of additive materials.

Nexa 3D printers take current additive manufacturing speeds from ‘dialup internet’ to ‘broadband’ printing and are capable of continuously printing at speeds of up to 8 liters per hour. This represents up to 20x productivity gains over all current state additive products and is comparable only to injection molding economics — existing supply chain complexities, extended lead-times and the substantial costs typically associated  with tooled plastics.

XiP Desktop Resin 3D Printer

Offering industrial quality and speed at an affordable desktop price. The XiP resin 3D printer combines a compact footprint with a large build volume and fast print speed to deliver high-quality prototypes on your desktop. In addition to an open material platform, it has a broad range of validated rigid and elastomeric materials for all your prototyping and desktop manufacturing needs.


Stop by our Brook Park, Ohio office for a XiP Demonstration.